sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2008

Perguntas sem resposta... (XV)

E se de repente ao ver uma série de tv, daquelas sem história, te revês num diálogo???

Sidney: But that doesn't make any sense. You're just being childish Joannie!
Joannie: Childish? I really don't think so. I'm just talking about perfection. Tell me Syd... Tell me how many perfect moments did you have in your life?
Sidney: Errrr... Well...
Joannie: Yeah that's what I figured Syd! I've had two of those moments. The first when I look into little Hannah's eyes for the very first time and the second one now, when I kissed that stranger. And now that I tasted perfection I won't settle for anything less!!!

[ou Don't even ask (parte n)]